Jason and his wife Micah have been married for twenty years. They have five children, Olivia, Ethan, Olexis, Evan, and Olissa. Jason was born in Little Rock, Arkansas, and has pastored churches in Arkansas and Tennessee for the past twenty years. Five years ago, on their fifteenth wedding anniversary, Jason and Micah traveled to the Northeast where they were overwhelmed with the lostness of New England.
After much prayer and the direction of wise counsel, they have responded to God’s call and are determined to plant their lives in Boston and see the Kingdom of God expand. Pray for the Tallent family as they uproot their lives and move to the Northeast. Pray that God would give them favor in the eyes of the people of Boston and that the gospel of Jesus Christ would permeate the culture. Pray that they would be used by God to grow His Kingdom. Pray that the name of Jesus would be glorified in Boston.

Warrior 180° Foundation is a Christ-centered organization that has been established to:
- To reach out to military, veterans, and their families with the saving grace of Jesus Christ, by teaching and training in local communities.
- Come alongside the military, veterans, and their family members to provide: comfort, support, resources, hope, and help for the struggles they are facing.
- Challenge the church to be faithful in supporting those who have put their lives on the line and supported our country. We will provide by teaching and preaching to encourage the church.
About Walnut
Media & Resources
Walnut Memorial Baptist Church
Phone: (270) 684-7234
Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM – 4:30 PM
519 West Byers Ave,
Owensboro, KY 42303