The WMBC Worship Choir is a group of men and women that love bringing Glory to God through singing praises to HIM. They sing twice a month in both the 8:30 and 11:00 AM services. Weekly rehearsal is from 4:30-5:45 PM in the choir room on Sunday. (Childcare provided.)

The main focus of the choir is to lead worshipers individually and corporately in the body of Christ. The Worship Choir also loves joining other choirs in opportunities that exalt Jesus and spread HIS love and hope to Owensboro.

No audition is required to become a member of the Worship choir. However, Pastor Brian likes to have an interview time to get to know folks who wish to join. This is a very informal time of sharing testimonies as well as checking vocal range. We invite anyone who is at least a Freshman in High School through any adult age to join us.


Sundays at 6:00pm

WM Kids Worship is for ages Preschool (3 and potty trained) through Grade 6. Preschool/Kindergarten Choir will remain in the same format as in past years.

We meet on Sunday nights at 6:00 PM in the upstairs East Wing. We sing, dance, play drums & other instruments, wave scarves & streamers along with so many other fun things! We would love for your child or grandchild to join us! Interested in having you child join Kids Worship? Use the form below to contact our Worship Pastor, Brian, for more information.




Media & Resources

Walnut Memorial Baptist Church

Phone: (270) 684-7234

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM  – 4:30 PM

519 West Byers Ave,

Owensboro, KY 42303