September 8 – TONIGHT – at 6PM in the Worship Center. A night of worship and teaching by women, for women. 


September 15 at Ben Hawes Park. 3-7PM. Bring a side dish or dessert and drinks to share! Picnic tables will be available but lawn chairs are welcome!


September 20 at 12PM in the Fellowship Hall. All widows and widowers are invited to a luncheon hosted by our WMBC Deacons. 


September 26 at 6:30pm at The Hurm’s Barn. Bring a game. Bring food to share. Bring a friend. See you there! 


Next month is our Candy Maze & Trail of Tables for our WM Kids. We will need LOTS of candy for this event. All donations can be brought to the church office or to Mrs. Dayana Staples. **NO PEANUTS**


Children’s Ministry needs financial sponsors to provide a meal to children before Awana on Wednesdays at 5-5:40PM. Volunteers are needed to prepare & hand out the meal. We also need sponsors willing to donate for supplies. Call the church office if interested! 


Welcome to Walnut Memorial Baptist Church!

If you are a guest joining us this morning, we want to say welcome. We are thankful that you have chosen to worship with us. If you’ve never filled out a Connection Card, please do so and turn it into our Connection Center. We have a gift that we would like to give you! We pray that you will feel welcome here at Walnut. We also pray that you will feel free to worship as the Lord leads you.

One of the things I love most as a pastor is hearing testimony of how the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of our people.

I wasn’t Looking forward to coming in to work Saturday morning. I only work one Saturday a month, but it not had been hot all work and Saturday was going to be the same. About 15 minutes after I opened a man came in that I didn’t know. He said his wife usually brought clothes in but she hadn’t slept for a few days. He then proceeded to tell me that his son had passed away the previous day. 

He asked me how soon he might be able to get his clothes cleaned. This being Labor Day weekend it would be Tuesday before would be cleaning. From the look on his face I knew he needed them ASAP. I then told him that I would do them and have them by 11:30 that day. That (caused him to break down because I was going to do this for him. He was barely able to say thank you as he left. 

I went and turned on my boiler, knowing I was losing money on the deal. I got it all finished early and texted him that it was ready. He came quickly to pick up. When he came in he smiled and said he was better, that he had got caught up in the moment earlier. He said his pastor had come over and prayed with them the night before and said the Lord would be there for them in this time of sorrow. 

He then told me the reason he was overcome earlier was because he didn’t expect to run into Jesus at the dry cleaners, and what I had done for him was being Jesus to them. He thanked me and took his cloths and left. I became overwhelmed with what he told me and it caused me to get a little teary eyed. 

About that time another custom pulled up to the drive thru. Wiping my eyes, I went over to wait on the customer, who was a Christian friend of mine. As I waited on him, he asked me if I was feeling okay. I told him what had happened and he suggested we pray for the family. As we prayed I realized that as I had been like Jesus to this man, an angel came in thew ay of my friend to comfort me when I was feeling overwhelmed.

Ain’t God Good?

– Eddie Tichenor. 


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Media & Resources

Walnut Memorial Baptist Church

Phone: (270) 684-7234

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 8 AM  – 4:30 PM

519 West Byers Ave,

Owensboro, KY 42303